Digital Connectivity Strategy


AmCham welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the Department’s public consultation on
the Digital Connectivity Strategy.

Is the ambition level set out in the State’s Digital Connectivity Strategy appropriate?

AmCham is of the view that the goals set out within the State’s Digital Connectivity Strategy
will be important in ensuring Ireland remains an attractive location for business and talent
into the future. Delivering on the objectives of the Strategy will be essential in ensuring Ireland
remains a destination of choice for inward investment.

AmCham notes the Digital Connectivity Strategy states that “Digital technologies have a vital
role to play in reducing energy and resource use, in enabling decarbonisation while
maintaining social and economic welfare and in gathering and analysing data of importance
to the tasks of mitigating and adapting to climate change, and protecting and restoring
biodiversity and ecosystems.” In this context, AmCham outlines, as it previously highlighted in
its submission to the Government’s public consultation on the Climate Action Plan 2021,
“Innovation is fundamental to the fight against climate change; developing the technology
necessary to transform our economy.” In this context, AmCham is of the view that the
availability of adequate funding and the sharing of best practice to promote the development
of innovative technologies which will support sustainability goals would be beneficial.


Read full submission here