AmCham Submission to the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications Public Consultation on the Climate Action Plan 2024


What do you view as the key actions required to ensure the emission reduction
targets set out in the Sectoral Emission Ceilings are met?

Ensuring that the emission reduction targets, as set out in the Sectoral Emission
Ceilings, are met will take a holistic and accelerated effort by Government and industry.
According to the guidelines set out in the Sectoral Emission Ceilings, industry and
buildings must reduce their emissions by between 35 percent and 45 percent by 2030.
Whilst this is ambitious, it is reflective of the drive and initiative that is already being
taken by industry. For example, a recent survey of AmCham members found that 42%
have committed to reaching carbon neutrality by 2030, with this rising to 64% by 2040.


Read the full consultation here